Friday, January 22, 2010

Search Engines - What's The Big Deal?

What's the big deal with search, well as I get deeper into the world of network marketing and online advertising I realize that how important search engines are now and that their are different ways each one works. One thing I recently learned is that Local Search and Normal Search are two completely different ways to be listed. Local Search i found is netter to be listed under cause it is easier to make your way to the top cause their is a lot less competition. And instead of hiring someone to help me get listed I found it's not that hard to submit my site by myself however their are drawbacks to doing it yourself such as not getting a very high listing. However if you don't mind doing the research you can very well get yourself listed in a good spot. Some of the things I found that raise your rank is pictures, videos, blogs, ect, and keep in mind it's better if they match the content of your site as well you can't just throw up any pictures or videos or content that don't match your site cause it may have a negative result. look at it this way people are buying information it's a very valuable and they don't want a mess thrown at them. People enjoy well organized and presented information that is easy to go thru and and find what they need. So in conclusion search engines are a very big part of every day Internet life.